...work with the help of two more awesome friend/helpers was done at my place on Saturday. I am really enjoying spending time with people up at my new place, and I look forward to the day that I have a house and an establishment that people can come visit. For now it's come if you want to either work, sit outside, or hike around (all of which are pretty fun for me these days.) The weather was perfect on Saturday, and I had friends "JB" (from Del Rio) and "JD" from Asheville come help me do some more clearing work. "JD" is a friend that I met at West Charlotte High School in Charlotte, and he happens to live in Asheville now with his girlfriend, which rocks. We don't see each other that often, but I always enjoy it when we do. He is kind and insightful and conscientious and also has a funny bone. Very good qualities. "JB" is a Hot Springs fixture- a carpenter, potter, wild food aficionado and computer non-liker, he shows up randomly and offers his time and assitance to other homesteader types around the area. The three of us worked at a leisurely pace and got some more hemlocks cut and stacked in 12 foot logs for a future log built tool shed that will have potential to double as a nativity scene in the winter (thanks to JD's brilliant vision). We also discovered a grapevine up on the hill of the house site that can be used as a rope swing, and we all did it one time. It was really fun. Other key players in the day were: a most beautiful and vibrantly marked lady box turtle who my friend Bud nursed back to health for the past year after an accident that caused some shell damage; I got to release her down in a wet part of the land, and lots and lots of sweet little purple flowers that I believe are fringed phacelia.
Check back soon for news from the 2010 Mothers Day Spa situation that occurred over here at the house yesterday!
Nice to see all the progress on the land! One day I will actually see it in person. Really appreciate your assistance in the full circle healing for the long, healthy life of that turtle (and that's a great picture of her).
I love the pictures of your paradise! The box turtle reminded me of Henrietta, the turtle I got from Julie...do you remember her? I let her go because she was born free. You are straight livin' the dream Dana!!! Can't wait to see the tool shed/nativity scene:)
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