Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Eve (un-monumental) Happenings

This was written last night...

I have always had an aversion to New Years Eve. Something in me always believes and expects something monumental to happen, and I develop anticipation and anxiety about this projection, and then nothing ever happens. It is always cold and anticlimactic. Last year I had a small mellow bonfire with SM and I burned all my calendars of 2007 and set intentions for the year. We also drank a ceremonial herbal drink (which we seem to like doing together on various occasions). It was calm and nice and sad and refreshing and nice.
This year, three planets are visually lined up with the moon (venus, mars, and jupiter). That seems monumental. I have decided work on an herbal potion for a friend this evening while the alignment is occurring. I figured it couldn’t hurt, and maybe it will strengthen the potency of the medicine.
Last night was quite a night for me. Jenna and I went to Weaverville for pizza. Jenna drank half a Guiness and got a little drunk. She got all giggly over nothing and it was really fun. We had a good rest of the night and I came home to the Airstream at about 10:30. On the drive home I remembered a stupid scary movie that I watched post of on TV during the day. It was about a serial killer. I thought about how it was dark and I would be getting home alone and there was nobody within yelling distance who could hear me if a serial killer was waiting for me in the dark. When I got home, I noticed the door was not closed all the way. I tried not to get scared, and I came inside and turned on all the lights. Of course nobody was in here. I felt relieved until I noticed that my feet were squishing on something. I checked the rug and it was soaking sopping wet. I took it outside and hung it up and it literally dripped. I mopped up the wet floor and stood there thinking about why my door was opened and my rug was wet. It hadn’t rained. Everything else in the camper was dry. There was no water jug or refrigerator leakage. My mind had already partially switched into irrational mode because of the stupid scary movie. I started thinking maybe someone was playing a trick on me. Then I thought maybe Moonpie, the neighbor’s dog, had gotten in and taken the rug into the creek and some neighbor had noticed it and gotten it out of the creek and brought it back inside. I tried not to think about it too much, but I did check in all of the closets and cabinets to make sure the serial killer from the movie wasn’t hiding in them (as if any serial killer, even a midget one, could fit in there...) I thought about loading my shotgun and sleeping with it under the bed, but I decided that was stupid- if a serial killer snuck in here in the night I wouldn’t have time to get it from under the bed. I comforted myself by realizing that this is one of the safest places in the world to live.
I was awoken at 1:45 am by some strong gusts of wind. I lay there for a while trying to will the wind to stop. It didn’t work. I got up and spent 20 to 30 minutes wrestling my awning again (just like 10 days ago). I kept having to pause and look all around and make sure the serial killer wasn’t there. And I had to pause and admire the dark, beautiful starry mid winter night sky. I finally got the awning rolled in and went back to bed. I had strange dreams for the rest of the night.
This morning I went for a walk through field and forest and got a little nice, which is always nice. I had a lunch date planned, and by the time I found my way back to Chapel Hill Road I was almost about to be late. But right then a friend drove by and gave me a ride. On the walk I found part of a turtle shell, an old farm with a lovely falling apart house, and a bunch of turkeys. The weather was cold and windy, but it was beautiful.


jord. said...

Sounds like you were channeling your inner Rachel Haley Himmelheber, who once told me, when I was living in the first room on the right in Stephenson, that she worried about me because if a murderer came into the building, that was mostly likely the first room he (or she) would go to to kill someone because it was the most convenient. Whenever I'm convinced that the serial killer is hiding in my house somewhere, I think of her. Which is kind of comforting, because she has always been very paranoid and nothing bad has ever happened to her. Also she has very protective and motherly energy and just thinking of her makes me feel better. I hope you have a wonderful New Year's day!

Milkweed said...

As Abbie Hoffman would say, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

See you soon....

Anonymous said...

maybe a serial killer was waiting to try to kill you with the perfect weapon, an icicle.

Dana said...

Jessie says that someone probably was trying to surprise me with a personalized ice sculpture of a hawk, and it melted on the rug.

Anonymous said...

You better be carefull, you never know what is in that little house above your airstream...
Keep that gun loaded!
We very often hear strang noises here.

Sara said...

An herbal potion?!

Anonymous said...

i'm sitting in my airstream thankful to get a signal though no that i could lose it at any moment and then so much for my comment. i was thinking about airstreams to day and thought of you and wanted to talk to you about leaks and windows (two topics that might overlap). then i read your blog about the wet rug. which reminded me of leaks. do you have any leaks that you know of? i didn't have any idea that i did but i do and i've since found out that apparently this is one of the holy sacred airstream principles THOUGH SHALT HAVE LEAKS. i've just ordered some heavy duty caulk made especially for aluminum (they say never never use that clear stuff, don't stick) to put eyebrows over all the windows and door(i like that they're called eyebrows) and around all the roof holes. apparently you can have leaks and not know it and then end up with some big old floor rot or even worse frame rot. good to swap seeds with you last nite. i'll let you know about the airstream connection when i hear from jm/pf. did u know u can use plexiglass? mui cheaper. love, rev rivercane roundbelli xo