So last Friday I went to work like usual. Everything was normal until it got weird. I went to spray some Burn Out (which is an herbicide made of concentrated clove oil and some other stuff) and the spray pump exploded into my face when I tried to pump it. The Burn Out sprayed all over my face, eyes, and body. It instantly started burning like hell, and I freaked out. I ran, with my most kind and helpful co-worker SW, to the nearest hose, and we started flushing me down with cold water. It was burning like hell, and I think I was crying and moaning and breathing weirdly. We realized that the clients whose home we were at had an outdoor shower, so I stripped down and got in the cold water and flushed my whole body for a long long time. I washed many times with Dr. Bronners, and after a few minutes the burning was gone, and I felt fine. I kept flushing my eye out for 20 minutes, which is what the Burn Out bottle said to do. Finally I got out and waited for someone to bring me some clean clothes from my truck, which was parked at D and H's house. The arrival of the clothes took a while, and it was strange to be standing on these people's patio in just a towel. After the burning stopped and I realized I was fine, the adrenaline made me giddy and giggly. This allowed for an unusual Friday at work...
I'm sorry that happened to you!
It seems like a similar combination of physical discomfort and adrenaline to that which people seek from getting really drunk, roller coasters, and so forth.
I finally learned that one can list other blogs in the sidebar of one's own blog, so i added yours, my favorite.
That sounds horrible! I'm glad all is well now.
glad you're okay d!
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