Notes on July 5th and 6th:
Hot Springs hosted its big fireworks and street party on July 5th. I walked downtown with a posse of friends, toting some Ancient Ancient Age bourbon in a Tazo Tea bottle which I consumed throughout the night. 4th of July (or 5th of July in this case) in Hot Springs is very interesting. Masses of people emerge from God knows where. Crowds and crowds of rednecks and other people gather in quantity to create an evening of pure, utter, enjoyably weird chaos. The town spends about half of its annual budget on a fireworks show that is way too big for its britches. Afterwards people set off explosives wherever they want- at the pub, in the street, what have you. There are hot dogs and nachos and deep fried oreos for sale, and stupid kids' games at which you can win second hand prizes (including some Happy Meal toys...) There is a street band called Country Sounds that is half cheezy half awesome (just like I like it). All the old timers and families go there. Right next to that is the pub where rock cover bands play really loudly for the wild crowd. I went to both. I became inebriated. I danced to Country Sounds with an old old man. I danced with a rowdy crowd to "Kemistry" right in front of the stage. I dropped a beer. I got hit on by a young dude that had on a shirt that said "Gr8-N-Bed." Gross. I staggered home and had a headache the next day, but it was fun and wacky enough to be worth it.
July 6th I went to A's birth class with her. No technical details of birth were discussed. Rather it was more like a support/ discussion group of topics such as: What do you need from your partner during labor? and How will you respond when people critisize your parenting? and What will you do if you can't make it to the hospital in time and you have to deliver the baby somewhere on the side of the road in the car? It was interesting, and I can also see how A sometimes gets frustrated with the class... After that we went to a most lovely gathering at B and C's 5 acres out in Swannanoa. It was my first time there, and it was ever so lovely. We ate wonderful food from the garden, visited with great people, soaked in a cozy wood fired hot tub, and marvelled at all the awesome permaculture projects B and C are working on. I was very impressed, and loved the place. How did I get so lucky to know so many awesome people? B and I were hugging goodbye, and a shooting star flew over us, and right then and there we decided we would both blog about it...
Oh, ps, I was given a really special prize that night. I think it looks good in the Airstream. Thanks!
1 comment:
I almost forgot to blog about that shooting star! Thanks for the reminder. I really must get up to Hot Springs for the 4th sometime. There is clearly nothing just like it anywhere!
It was so delightful to see you...let's do it again soon!
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