So I have been staying in my mom's cottage while I am working on the Airstream, which I purchased as a place I could live right away but it did not end up being that way... So I have been in and out of the cottage for the past couple weeks, which is great because it is right on the creek (swimming any time of the day or night) and it is beautiful and I have a decent amount of privacy here. The other day, Mom made a comment about me having a lot of "organized clutter" around. I said, "what are you talking about?" and she just said "go look in the cottage." I went in and looked in the cottage. All the counter tops were covered with drying flowers and herbs. A pair of crow wings was curing with salt on a piece of cardboard on the coffee table. An otter pelt was draped over the chair, and my shotgun was on the kitchen table. Oh, that's what she meant. "That's not clutter, Mom-- those are projects." She cracked up. God bless the Mom who is amused by that use of her space. Today she called me (I was in Asheville attending to AV, who just had a baby boy yesterday!!!) and said, "Dana, I've been meaning to ask you...why is there a rattlesnake in my freezer in a Rice Crispies box?" I replied, "It's not a rattlesnake, Mom, it's a black snake." She paused. Then, "Oh, well, why is it in my freezer?" "Because I needed a place to put it Mom. Is that OK?" She said, "Yeah, it's fine for now."
Your mom rocks! Please give her a big hug and tell her I miss her. I wanna call you, but think it is too late.?
those are some awesome crow wings. they will look rockin in the airstream.....i love the projects!
yeah moms yeah moms yeah moms yeah moms!
we're so lucky to have wonderful mommies - 1948 must have been a great year!
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