Saturday, April 21, 2012


Today was a perfect harbinger of the season. The morning was mostly clear and pleasant, the greens of April brilliant and inviting, but at times borderline overwhelming. Afternoon brought intermittent showers, with brilliant light displays in between. Dark, then moments of bright, rain, stop, rain, stop. By tonight it is cool enough for a quick little pre-bed fire in the wood stove to take the cool edge off and settle into the comfort of shelter. During one of the evening breaks in rain, I ventured out for a short walk up the driveway, to strectch the legs and deeply breathe the fresh musk of the wet woods. I paused to marvel at the glory of the flame azalea (Rhododendron calendulaceum) that hangs off the mountain at the bottom of the driveway, announcing the crossroads with its fiery vernal expression. Beneath the azalea like some cool hidden treasure grew a stand of maidenhair ferns (Adiantum pedatum), feminine and delicate in their form, but surprisingly bold nonetheless. It is easy to worship nature this time of year.
A few minutes later, walking back home before the eminent next shower, I rounded the last corner to home to the sweet, bubbly song of a blue grey gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea), not the high pitched sssss, sssss that they do, but rather a complicated little riff of melody. I wouldn't have known who was singing but that I saw him right there at eye level, in the top of a spicebush growing on a lower bank. I always find that it is lovely to take a little break and walk a bit wherever I am, to see the sights and commune with the season at hand.

1 comment:

Girl In An Apron said...

Right on time as usual. I was just saying to Jason that we needed a few flame azaleas on the property. And in college, to memorize the latin names of the native fauna, we were each given flash cards with a plant species on it. I happened to be given Adiantum pedatum, and have always had a fondness for miss maidenhair ever since. I like the way you describe her! I couldn't agree more. Lovely specimens all around.