Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I took a hot shower in my own house. It was just this side of scalding. I stayed in a really long time. I used a lot of soap and made up for lost time. There is a reason I did not take a bath. That will be tomorrow. I will also do some dishes. And such.


Meg said...

woot! what's the mysterious reason for no bath?

Dana said...

I was busy working on The Girl is Mine routine with Susie and it was too late to clean out the tub and take a bath (it has been used as temporary storage for random items and needs a good clean out.)

susie mosher said...

dana--your dance moves were so smoking hot last night that you honestly should have taken a cold shower you dancing queen you---

Eduard said...

Are you performing that routine on may 5th?

meg said...

so sad I missed that, sounds awesome!

Dana said...

Meg, I really wish you could be here for this stuff. We utilized some motifs from your The Girl is Mine number at my 9th birthday party lip sync party for inspiration for our number. By the way, what you did back then was absolutely brilliant! You should have won...

Anonymous said...
