Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's the little things that mean so much...

Like yesterday when an older fledgling robin perched in a branch of a hemlock tree near where I was working let me reach out and pet its back with my finger before flying away. Or today when the graceful soar of a great blue heron caught the corner of my eye as I hurried through a break in the rain. Or the way that all of the thousands of orange jewelweed flowers around my camper have opened this week, providing cool rainy nectar to a sizable possee of ruby throated hummingbirds. Big up to all the fine feathered friends out there!

1 comment:

Milkweed said...

jewelweed blooming here too....and a great blue heron pterydactl calls startled the heck out of my sister & her hound dog at the river. but i have NEVER petted a robin. you know who has, though, is The Artist. The robin's name was Harold....