Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Elemental Force Day Two: the Power of Good Neighbors

Moonpie offered good morale

brand new roof

the end of the day saw smiles, Busch Lite and truffles

"Bubba" and T fixed the Airstream yesterday! I can't believe it. They sent me out to South Asheville for supplies: a 4x8 sheet of aluminum from All Aluminum, some rivets and some Lexel (well and beer and chicken scratch and such...) By the time I got back with the supplies they had fixed the ceiling (!?!) and were waiting for the shade to come over the top of the camper so it wouldn't be too hot to work. Then they attached and caulked the hell out of the new roof panel and it was done in time for night. I seriously couldn't believe it. And I am so lucky to know such nice giving people. Thanks to everyone who called me and offered to help and offered me to stayed at their places. And thanks to my mom and dad who always take me in when stuff like this happens. I am getting sappy but I don't care. It's lucky I am alive and still have my home.


Milkweed said...

Dana dana dana! Topher and I just huddled over the computer and read both of the "elemental forces of nature" posts with awe, concern, and gratitude...that you are alive, that you have such amazing neighbors, that Todd and "Bubba" (whoever the heck he is) fixed that roof so fast, that your mom told you to drink whisky, and most of all that YOU ARE OK. We love you and are so glad that you are so well taken care of and loved and once again sheltered by the airstream. I think that continual intake of mead and truffles are a good way to avoid the PTSD. Toph is concerned that those dudes had to drink Busch Lite and worried about how you'll make it thru the summer without the A.C. Call me up sometime, girl. Sending love. B/Milk

wren said...

Holy SHitters! Thank goodness you are o.k., that must've been terrifying. I , too am glad you are surrounded by loving and capable friends.

Dana said...

Bubba and others had finished all the good beers and were dipping into the "diabetic friendly" Busch Lites that were provided for the diabetic members of the posse... So don't worry, the BL was purchased for a good reason!

kerry said...

srsly. holy shitballs, dude.

life is good, and it's good to be alive.



Anonymous said...

amai, amai, we say in Belgium.
everytime I read your story I think amai, amai; wake up to something like that. anytime you are welcome in our house/home to hang out or to shelter because you are a blessed woman to survive a tuliptree.
Eduard and Laura