Monday, July 9, 2012

Dear Readers,

I have been working on a personal essay for you about water, but the problem is, I am too busy trying to get some (water that is) to work on it much these days. You see, I have been spending many multiples of hours troubleshooting and trying to iron out the ole kinks of my unique water system here at the house. It's been something else- an engaging process. Real engaging. Last night I found myself up on the ridge, down in the water tank (which is buried in the ground), calf deep in water*, sweating like a man, and attempting to re-prime the 800 ft water line from the top with a kitchen funnel and my wine making siphon. I went ahead and had me some gin and tonics to pass the hours- got drunk in the water tank. It was a coping strategy. I never ended up filling that line, but I had a pretty good time, all things considered.
Today I have been on to new and exciting possibilities for steps to take to move the water from the spring, which is below the house, to the tank on the ridge above the house. I am simultaneously troubleshooting issues with the ram pump while exploring the option of fixing an electric pump that neighbors J and I gave me as a back up.
I want to work on my water essay more, but getting the water takes the priority. I will hopefully get to it soon. Until then, I will chip away at the issues at hand, and find a way to handle it if a meltdown occurs in the process... Not that there have been any...
For now I will leave you with today's word of the day from Mirriam-Webster:
hydromancy: divination by the appearance or motion of liquid (as water)
I think I almost got there last night down in the water tank after my gins and tonics, by the light of setting sun...

Until next time,

*Note to yourselves, wait a couple weeks before drinking water out of the tap at Dana's house. She has stood and sweated and gotten drunk in that water.

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