Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Call for Input

I am thinking of doing an essay/article about technology choices. This is something that I think about everyday, and I think would be a meaningful and challenging thing to write about. I started with the philosophical question to myself: Is it worth it to be selective about what technologies I choose to use in my life? My answer to this is yes. I think how I spend my time and mental energy will dictate how I am as a person, and that is important to me. Technologies, to the best of my understanding, are developed to assist us in getting things done. How I choose to get various things done will determine what skills I do and do not develop, how my brain will work, how much real contact I have with others and how much real contact I have with the world around me. How I choose to get things done will determine what skill sets I build and what I am prepared for.

I am thinking of structuring my essay/article with a philosophical introduction (a more eloquent and extended version of what I just said) and then break it down to a limited selection of hot, modern technologies and my thoughts on those- and why I choose or do not choose to use them in my daily life.

I would love any thoughts about this from you, dear readers. If you have any to share with me for my preparation of this supposed "essay/article, " feel free to contact me via the following technologies: Comment section on this blog, telephone, or person to person visit (spontaneous or arranged by telephone).


Anonymous said...

Dear Dana,
I am not as a good writer as you are, but I would love to have a talk with you about technologie(?). I prefer woman to man, we of course can extend the group but I have things to share that I say Dana would be open for that.

Anonymous said...

I love this already! It is fascinating to read your blog (and now be typing) on my mini pocket computer. Its the only blog I read, one of only a handful of sites I regularly visit and one of only a couple that I've got bookmarked. I use technology so selectively and have been working on what I think about it and cannot wait for your further elaboration!!

Girl In An Apron said...

Get it Dane! Then drop over and have some tea from my grandmother's tea set with me. We can turn off our cell phones and have a chat!

meg said...


also look for elephants painting

meg said...


also look for elephants painting