Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Uh, Ma'am, you have a lollypop stick on your back...

One day a few years ago I was shopping at the local brew supply shop buying corks or something of the likes. I shopped for a good 15 to 20 minutes and was the only customer in the store at the time. After I paid and was turning to exit, the shop owner (no names will be mentioned), who is a rather unusual and quirky seeming man, said to me in an awkward tone, "Uh, ma'am.. you have a lolly pop stick on your back." I was kind of surprised because in all the years I have shopped there, that man never said anything personal to me whatsoever. "Oh," was my reply as I reached back between my shoulder blades to feel around my back.
"A little lower," he said, and I reached down to my lower back. "A little lower," he kept saying as I reached lower and lower, until I felt the stick on the lower part of my butt, like near where my butthole was. I burst out laughing and blurted out, "Did you mean- Ma'am you have a lollypop stick on your ass?!?" A sheepish glance and a shrug of the shoulders was the reply.

Well, the other day I was talking with friends RM and her dear, dear daughters (who were ever so patiently waiting in the car for their mother). For some reason I ended up telling them the "lollypop on the back" story, which elicted a few good chuckles from all 3 ladies, particularly from my young friend "B".

Two days later I got a phone message from "B" telling me she wanted to "chat about a lollypop stick." I couldn't stand the suspense so I called right back. As it turns out, the very next evening after I had told them the lollypop stick story, they had gone to get some pizza in Weaverville. As I understand the story, during the pizza dinner, "B" glanced out the window just in time to notice the full lunar eclipse, in the moment of full eclipse. The family was very excited. When "B" got up, guess what----that's right, she had a lollypop stick on her "back." Sanctified by the moon in full eclipse herself...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

although I have heard that story before, it made my out right laugh in my little cubicle. There was no hidding that something was going on in this corner of the office. Funny no one seemed to notice.