Thinking it was a normal day with much to get done, Nagle dressed in one of her sun protective gardening blouses. This particular shirt was still adorned with a button that local business owner Daniel FP Gallagher had recently given her.
The button, which reads: Mutants for Nuclear Power, caught the thirty-something's eye (hee hee) while she purchased some Irish tea at Gallagher's local store a few days ago. Not typcially being inclined toward opinionated bumper stickers or buttons, Nagle found this particular item to be humorously naughty.
"I thought to myself, that's pretty funny," explained Nagle.
Imagine the lady's surprised when she stepped out of the cool house into the midsummer humidity, donning the smiley cyclops button, and discovered a one-eyed box turtle in the driveway.
" He was a healthy, mature male!" exclaimed Nagle. "There was no indication that he ever had a left eye- no eye socket there- nothing!"
Nagle admits that her interest in one eyed smiley faces and one eyed turtles is partially fueled by a recent dream she had of a hedgerow of baby human cyclops.
When she relayed the story at the local store where she originally saw the button, it was speculated by some of the store employees that perhaps the turtle had been walking in circles for some 30 years.
"He's probably been out there walking in circles for 30 years," speculated one jolly male employee.
When asked what she thinks of the whole episode, Nagle supposed that there is a whole world of natural anomolies out there waiting to be witnessed. All we need to do is open our eye.
Dana, you are my hero...or "heroine". I love the journalistic style and your use of quotes. I also love the story! That is exactly the kind of phenomenon I myself enjoy.
You are The Best :)
Hilarious. you and the world out there. thanks, i needed that.
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