For my dear old friend Kerry, who used to occasionally utilize the "list" method of blogging, which I would find to be a surprisingly interesting and insightful glimpse into her daily life. Although she and I have vastly different lifestyles (she being a jet-setting Mommy blogger, professional theatrical director and play-writer, and mother of 2 gorgeous young'uns, and I being whatever I am...), I think we can both kick out some interesting and colorful task lists.
What I accomplished on my day off today:
- slept in until 7:45
- watched a lone otter swim, frolic, fish, and ride the creek rapids
- purchased a crystal as an awesome birthday gift for a friend at local gift shop
- did some banking
- met with house builders and acquired a new list of things to do
- built a new compost cage
- unloaded truck load of shredded leaves and twigs into new compost cage
- cleaned out part of neighbor's horse/cow/sheep barn aisle and took a truckload of manure
to the new compost cage
- visited with choice neighbor Moonie and caught up on some local gossip
- mowed some grass and clover in the rain
- took lawn mower to "Todd's Mechanics" for oil change and tune up
- scored some freshy fresh produce from Susie
- got my "cardio" on in the creek (aka- swam laps, including a series of sprints with
the kickboard)
- bleached and scrubbed the shower
- ate cucumbers and tomatoes for dinner (again- this does not get old)
- successfully finished fighting a summer cold (gotcha, Bitch)
Things To Do In the Immediate Future:
- live trap skunk that has taken residence at the Mountain Magnolia and remove from
premises without getting sprayed
- call electrician
- call plumber
- call insulation guy
- procure shower stall
- procure inside doors
- procure water heater
- step up Chinese herb starts
- write a letter to Kerry, including current info about Larry Belk
- research raising trout on a small scale
- select a ram pump model
- set up water system at house
- choose indoor paint colors
- buy a 4 wheel drive vehicle
- get firewood ready for winter
- get a wood stove
- tan the rattlesnake hide that JL gave me and is in the freezer, then make a kick-
ass headband
- clean Jenna's cds
- fold laundry
- vacuum
- cut Nauni's hair
- weed Nauni's flower beds
- pay bills
- buy a new camara
- quit eating so much chocolate
- get more manure
- landscape Kerry's yard
- get a .22
I'm off to eat a little chocolate and read more of Prodigal Summer before sleeping.